You know that rare feeling, when everything comes together to make you feel complete, to feel absolutely content with life, and you would be happy to...
Most people I've met say they don't like the rain, that it's dreary or cold or makes it hard to do things outside, or that they don't mind it as long as it doesn't stick around.
I'm not like them. I really love rain!
When the clouds roll in, the breeze picks up, the landscape dims slightly, and everything is reflective and shimmering from a slick wet blanket that covers the world I am at my best. The sound of the water falling in a constant barrage from the heavens, being outdoors and getting things done, but then coming inside to a warm home, good hearty food, and dry fluffy clothes after a hot shower really is wonderful. Honestly, my favorite is when I've gone on a hike or walk in the rain for a long while, a dog or two with me, and I return home to a fire lit in the hearth, the smell of food cooking wafting through the house, some nice music playing, and people laughing and chatting in an adjoining room. I love to be alone but hear people nearby. It makes me feel comfortable and content.
The sounds of rain sooth my anxiety, remind me to slow down, sets a story racing in my mind, and helps me to feel like I can breath again. Does anyone else feel that way?
Some of my fondest memories involve rain as well; hiking in the Olympic National Park often involved rain, so did walking to high school and wandering around the woods near where I grew up. I loved seeing all the gardens, whether private or public, dripping with water fresh from the sky; little beads of liquid all over flowers and leaves, or stuck on pinecones and in between the needles of conifer trees.
Even at night, with mists lying low and the rain practically floating in the air, the city lights glimmering off of the wet pavement and the sounds of cars driving through puddles makes me feel calm and laid back.
I've used one main soundtrack for both my boys' white noise sleeping music, and it was rain sounds. It worked like a charm every time on them and often for me as well! Not that I meant to fall asleep while snuggling with them and listening to the white noise, hehe.
In Idaho and in Arizona they had large rolling thunderstorms that would come in with rain, and I always found it fascinating to watch the large dust wave flow in before the wall of rain descended upon the land below the monstrous clouds. Those rain storms and clouds seemed to paint the sky, turning it into a stark contrast of darks and lights, blues, purples, pinks, yellows, and even greens at times. Lightening was often involved as well, giving the storms an eeriness and excitement above the norm. Those days were marvelous, all because of the rain that came in. They were my favorite days in those places!
In the end I've have to say that rain really does make me happy. No matter where it falls it brings a smile to my face. To me, a perfect drizzly day makes my heart warm.
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